Friday, April 25, 2008

Josei Toda: April 2nd, 1958

Josei Toda was a founding member of the Soka Gakkai and a worthy disciple of his mentor, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi. During the Second World War he followed his mentor to prison, refusing to accept the state imposed Shinto religion. The experience of imprisonment was crucial in awakening Toda to his mission to encourage the widespread practice of Nichiren Buddhism in order to build the foundations for a peaceful society.

Josei Toda passed away on April 2, 1958. A man of unadorned and overflowing humanity, Toda embraced everyone he met with his passionate encouragement. His 58 years of life were dedicated to restoring and revitalizing the spirit of Buddhism in the present age. His convictions continue to inspire and inform the peace activism and social engagement of Soka Gakkai.

April 2nd is a day to renew our pledge to our Mentor as it signifies the passing on of his legacy. It is a day to reaffirm our vow to work in rhythm with the mentor for sake of Kosen-rufu. A few days before his death, Toda had encouraged his young disciple, Ikeda by saying 'Never slacken in your pursuit against evil.'

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