He said that such a difficult problem has arisen to allow me two things-
- To lessen my Karmic retribution - and believe now that poison will change into medicine.
- To awaken to my mission in faith - which is to work for happiness of others in all areas of my life, based on my prayers and faith.
No matter how dark the problem is, when you awaken to kosen-rufu, it is like the sun arising in one's life. The heart (ichinen) is most important. Use this opportunity to deepen your understanding of Buddhism and start afresh.
More you pray for others and for your block / district to grow, the more your life will shine.
More important than winning is to not be defeated.
Be the pillar of strength in your family - tell them not to worry. Be like Ikeda Sensei who supported Toda Sensei through his toughest times and repayed all his debts.
Determine to resolve the situation and engage in sincere dialogue with parties.
Learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. This situation has come about so I can deal with my Karma and win and also to awaken to my mission in life.
Pray to manifest your buddha nature - so that the enviroment will manifest it too. As long as we are not defeated in faith, we will win.
Sensei said, "Your circumstances can never defeat you, if you are defeated it is because you have lost hope".
Myo has 3 meanings / interpretations:-
Myo - Perfectly endowed (containing all virtues & benefits)
Myo - To Open
Myo - To Revive (hope, courage, strength whatever it is that we have lost)
Establish the prime points in faith:- Gohonzon and Sensei
Practise with the same determination as Sensei, read his guidances. When we chant we create good fortune which always stays with us & does not get exhausted - unless we neglect our practice.
As long as we have good fortune, nothing can destroy us.
There is no falsity in Gohonzon or Daishonin. Believe. Just Trust & Pray.
Don't complain or grudge the lack of fortune, Now start afresh.
Make prayer the foundation of your life, business, relationships - everything.
Faith brings Hope, Courage and Confidence.
Determine never to forsake your faith (neither Gohonzon nor Sensei).
Thank you for sharing this guidance.
Thank you .
Thank you .
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